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This page was generated on 2023-06-06 11:00:42 -0000 (Tue, 06 Jun 2023).

HostnameOSArch (*)R versionInstalled pkgs
kunpeng2Linux (openEuler 22.03 LTS-SP1)aarch644.3.0 (2023-04-21) -- "Already Tomorrow" 4366
Click on any hostname to see more info about the system (e.g. compilers)      (*) as reported by 'uname -p', except on Windows and Mac OS X

CHECK results for sparseMatrixStats on kunpeng2

To the developers/maintainers of the sparseMatrixStats package:
- Allow up to 24 hours (and sometimes 48 hours) for your latest push to to reflect on this report. See Troubleshooting Build Report for more information.

- Use the following Renviron settings to reproduce errors and warnings.

Note: If "R CMD check" recently failed on the Linux builder over a missing dependency, add the missing dependency to "Suggests" in your DESCRIPTION file. See the Renviron.bioc for details.

raw results

Package 1939/2199HostnameOS / ArchINSTALLBUILDCHECKBUILD BIN
sparseMatrixStats 1.13.0  (landing page)
Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze
Snapshot Date: 2023-06-05 06:35:06 -0000 (Mon, 05 Jun 2023)
git_branch: devel
git_last_commit: fa0fb7b
git_last_commit_date: 2023-04-25 15:16:51 -0000 (Tue, 25 Apr 2023)
kunpeng2Linux (openEuler 22.03 LTS-SP1) / aarch64  OK    OK    ERROR  


Package: sparseMatrixStats
Version: 1.13.0
Command: /home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/bin/R CMD check --install=check:sparseMatrixStats.install-out.txt --library=/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/site-library --timings sparseMatrixStats_1.13.0.tar.gz
StartedAt: 2023-06-06 07:22:49 -0000 (Tue, 06 Jun 2023)
EndedAt: 2023-06-06 07:24:10 -0000 (Tue, 06 Jun 2023)
EllapsedTime: 81.1 seconds
RetCode: 1
Status:   ERROR  
CheckDir: sparseMatrixStats.Rcheck
Warnings: NA

Command output

### Running command:
###   /home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/bin/R CMD check --install=check:sparseMatrixStats.install-out.txt --library=/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/site-library --timings sparseMatrixStats_1.13.0.tar.gz

* using log directory ‘/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.18-bioc/meat/sparseMatrixStats.Rcheck’
* using R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21)
* using platform: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
* R was compiled by
    gcc (GCC) 10.3.1
    GNU Fortran (GCC) 10.3.1
* running under: openEuler 22.03 (LTS-SP1)
* using session charset: UTF-8
* checking for file ‘sparseMatrixStats/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* checking extension type ... Package
* this is package ‘sparseMatrixStats’ version ‘1.13.0’
* package encoding: UTF-8
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking whether package ‘sparseMatrixStats’ can be installed ... OK
* used C++ compiler: ‘g++ (GCC) 10.3.1’
* checking C++ specification ... NOTE
  Specified C++11: please drop specification unless essential
* checking installed package size ... NOTE
  installed size is  6.0Mb
  sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
    libs   4.9Mb
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... OK
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK
* checking compiled code ... NOTE
Note: information on .o files is not available
* checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
* checking examples ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK
* checking tests ...
  Running ‘testthat.R’
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
  rowCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1) not equal to matrixStats::rowCollapse(mat, idxs = 1).
  names for current but not for target
  ── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:296:3'): rowCollapse works ───────────────────
  rowCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = c(1, 3)) not equal to matrixStats::rowCollapse(mat, idxs = c(1, 3)).
  names for current but not for target
  ── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:297:3'): rowCollapse works ───────────────────
  rowCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1:5, rows = 3) not equal to matrixStats::rowCollapse(mat, idxs = 1:5, rows = 3).
  names for current but not for target
  ── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:299:3'): rowCollapse works ───────────────────
  rowCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1, rows = row_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowCollapse(mat, idxs = 1, rows = row_subset).
  names for current but not for target
  [ FAIL 558 | WARN 136 | SKIP 22 | PASS 1195 ]
  Error: Test failures
  Execution halted
* checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
* checking package vignettes in ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking running R code from vignettes ...
  ‘sparseMatrixStats.Rmd’ using ‘UTF-8’... OK
* checking re-building of vignette outputs ... OK
* checking PDF version of manual ... OK

Status: 1 ERROR, 3 NOTEs
for details.

Installation output


### Running command:
###   /home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/bin/R CMD INSTALL sparseMatrixStats

* installing to library ‘/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/site-library’
* installing *source* package ‘sparseMatrixStats’ ...
** using staged installation
** libs
using C++ compiler: ‘g++ (GCC) 10.3.1’
using C++11
g++ -std=gnu++11 -I"/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/include" -DNDEBUG  -I'/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/site-library/Rcpp/include' -I/usr/local/include    -fPIC  -g -O2  -c RcppExports.cpp -o RcppExports.o
g++ -std=gnu++11 -I"/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/include" -DNDEBUG  -I'/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/site-library/Rcpp/include' -I/usr/local/include    -fPIC  -g -O2  -c SparseMatrixView.cpp -o SparseMatrixView.o
g++ -std=gnu++11 -I"/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/include" -DNDEBUG  -I'/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/site-library/Rcpp/include' -I/usr/local/include    -fPIC  -g -O2  -c methods.cpp -o methods.o
g++ -std=gnu++11 -I"/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/include" -DNDEBUG  -I'/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/site-library/Rcpp/include' -I/usr/local/include    -fPIC  -g -O2  -c row_methods.cpp -o row_methods.o
g++ -std=gnu++11 -shared -L/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/lib -L/usr/local/lib -o RcppExports.o SparseMatrixView.o methods.o row_methods.o -L/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/lib -lR
installing to /home/biocbuild/R/R-4.3.0/site-library/00LOCK-sparseMatrixStats/00new/sparseMatrixStats/libs
** R
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** checking absolute paths in shared objects and dynamic libraries
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (sparseMatrixStats)

Tests output


R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21) -- "Already Tomorrow"
Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> library(testthat)
> library(sparseMatrixStats)
Loading required package: MatrixGenerics
Loading required package: matrixStats

Attaching package: 'MatrixGenerics'

The following objects are masked from 'package:matrixStats':

    colAlls, colAnyNAs, colAnys, colAvgsPerRowSet, colCollapse,
    colCounts, colCummaxs, colCummins, colCumprods, colCumsums,
    colDiffs, colIQRDiffs, colIQRs, colLogSumExps, colMadDiffs,
    colMads, colMaxs, colMeans2, colMedians, colMins, colOrderStats,
    colProds, colQuantiles, colRanges, colRanks, colSdDiffs, colSds,
    colSums2, colTabulates, colVarDiffs, colVars, colWeightedMads,
    colWeightedMeans, colWeightedMedians, colWeightedSds,
    colWeightedVars, rowAlls, rowAnyNAs, rowAnys, rowAvgsPerColSet,
    rowCollapse, rowCounts, rowCummaxs, rowCummins, rowCumprods,
    rowCumsums, rowDiffs, rowIQRDiffs, rowIQRs, rowLogSumExps,
    rowMadDiffs, rowMads, rowMaxs, rowMeans2, rowMedians, rowMins,
    rowOrderStats, rowProds, rowQuantiles, rowRanges, rowRanks,
    rowSdDiffs, rowSds, rowSums2, rowTabulates, rowVarDiffs, rowVars,
    rowWeightedMads, rowWeightedMeans, rowWeightedMedians,
    rowWeightedSds, rowWeightedVars

> test_check("sparseMatrixStats")
[ FAIL 558 | WARN 136 | SKIP 22 | PASS 1195 ]

══ Skipped tests ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
• With R 4.3 (?) 'colQuantiles' on logical data suddenly produces an error. I am unsure why. (1)
• different result than matrixStats version, because sparseMatrixStats uses `interpolate=FALSE`. (10)
• matrixStats doesn't convert values to logical if mat is logical?! (1)
• matrixStats::xxxOrderStats() does not support missing values (10)

══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
── Failure ('test-functions.R:74:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:75:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:81:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:82:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:89:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:90:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:97:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:98:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:104:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:105:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:113:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:114:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:124:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:125:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:131:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:132:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:141:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:142:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:147:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:151:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:152:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:159:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:160:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:168:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:169:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:170:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:171:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:178:5'): colAnyNAs works ─────────────────────────
colAnyNAs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnyNAs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:185:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:186:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:190:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:191:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:194:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:195:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:202:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:203:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:206:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:207:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:210:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:211:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:226:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:227:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:275:7'): colOrderStats works ─────────────────────
colOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colOrderStats(no_na_mat, which = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:276:7'): colOrderStats works ─────────────────────
colOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 6) not equal to matrixStats::colOrderStats(no_na_mat, which = 6).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:290:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumsums(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumsums(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:291:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumprods(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumprods(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:292:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummins(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:293:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummaxs(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:308:5'): colIQRs works ───────────────────────────
colIQRs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colIQRs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:314:5'): colRanges works ─────────────────────────
colRanges(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanges(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:320:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:321:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "average") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "average").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:322:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "min") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "min").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:344:5'): colWeightedMedians works ────────────────
colWeightedMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colWeightedMedians(mat, interpolate = FALSE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:408:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 1).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:409:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:410:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3, lag = 2) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3, lag = 2).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:449:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:450:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = c(1, 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = c(1, 3)).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:451:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1:5, cols = min(ncol(mat), 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:74:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:75:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:81:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:82:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:89:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:90:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:97:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:98:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:104:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:105:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:113:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:114:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:119:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:124:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:125:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:131:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:132:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:137:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:141:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:142:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:147:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:151:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:152:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:159:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:160:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:168:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:169:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:170:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:171:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:178:5'): colAnyNAs works ─────────────────────────
colAnyNAs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnyNAs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:185:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:186:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:190:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:191:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:194:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:195:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:202:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:203:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:206:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:207:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:210:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:211:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:226:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:227:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:290:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumsums(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumsums(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:291:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumprods(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumprods(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:292:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummins(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:293:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummaxs(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:308:5'): colIQRs works ───────────────────────────
colIQRs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colIQRs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:314:5'): colRanges works ─────────────────────────
colRanges(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanges(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:320:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:321:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "average") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "average").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:322:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "min") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "min").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:331:5'): colWeightedMeans works ──────────────────
colWeightedMeans(sp_mat, w = weights) not equal to matrixStats::colWeightedMeans(mat, w = weights).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:332:5'): colWeightedMeans works ──────────────────
colWeightedMeans(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, w = weights) not equal to matrixStats::colWeightedMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE, w = weights).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:344:5'): colWeightedMedians works ────────────────
colWeightedMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colWeightedMedians(mat, interpolate = FALSE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:408:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 1).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:409:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:410:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3, lag = 2) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3, lag = 2).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:449:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:450:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = c(1, 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = c(1, 3)).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:451:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1:5, cols = min(ncol(mat), 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:236:5'): colQuantiles works ──────────────────────
colQuantiles(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset, useNames = use_names_opt) not equal to matrixStats::colQuantiles(...).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:74:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:75:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:81:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:82:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:89:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:90:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:97:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:98:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:104:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:105:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:113:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:114:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:119:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:124:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:125:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:131:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:132:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:137:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:141:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:142:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:147:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:151:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:152:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:159:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:160:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:168:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:169:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:170:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:171:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:178:5'): colAnyNAs works ─────────────────────────
colAnyNAs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnyNAs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:185:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:186:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:190:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:191:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:194:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:195:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:202:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:203:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:206:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:207:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:210:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:211:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:226:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:227:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:236:5'): colQuantiles works ──────────────────────
colQuantiles(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset, useNames = use_names_opt) not equal to matrixStats::colQuantiles(...).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:290:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumsums(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumsums(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:291:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumprods(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumprods(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:292:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummins(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:293:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummaxs(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:308:5'): colIQRs works ───────────────────────────
colIQRs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colIQRs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:314:5'): colRanges works ─────────────────────────
colRanges(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanges(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:320:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:321:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "average") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "average").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:322:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "min") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "min").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:331:5'): colWeightedMeans works ──────────────────
colWeightedMeans(sp_mat, w = weights) not equal to matrixStats::colWeightedMeans(mat, w = weights).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:332:5'): colWeightedMeans works ──────────────────
colWeightedMeans(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, w = weights) not equal to matrixStats::colWeightedMeans(mat, na.rm = TRUE, w = weights).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:344:5'): colWeightedMedians works ────────────────
colWeightedMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colWeightedMedians(mat, interpolate = FALSE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:408:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 1).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:409:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:410:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3, lag = 2) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3, lag = 2).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:449:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:450:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = c(1, 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = c(1, 3)).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:451:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1:5, cols = min(ncol(mat), 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:74:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:75:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:81:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:82:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:89:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:90:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:97:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:98:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:104:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:105:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:113:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:114:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:124:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:125:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:131:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:132:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:141:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:142:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:147:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:151:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:152:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:159:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:160:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:168:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:169:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:170:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:171:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:178:5'): colAnyNAs works ─────────────────────────
colAnyNAs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnyNAs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:185:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:186:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:190:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:191:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:194:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:195:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:202:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:203:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:206:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:207:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:210:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:211:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:226:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:227:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:275:7'): colOrderStats works ─────────────────────
colOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colOrderStats(no_na_mat, which = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:276:7'): colOrderStats works ─────────────────────
colOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 6) not equal to matrixStats::colOrderStats(no_na_mat, which = 6).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:290:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumsums(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumsums(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:291:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumprods(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumprods(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:292:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummins(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:293:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummaxs(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:308:5'): colIQRs works ───────────────────────────
colIQRs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colIQRs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:314:5'): colRanges works ─────────────────────────
colRanges(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanges(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:320:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:321:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "average") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "average").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:322:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "min") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "min").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:344:5'): colWeightedMedians works ────────────────
colWeightedMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colWeightedMedians(mat, interpolate = FALSE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:408:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 1).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:409:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:410:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3, lag = 2) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3, lag = 2).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:449:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:450:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = c(1, 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = c(1, 3)).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:451:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1:5, cols = min(ncol(mat), 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:74:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:75:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:81:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:82:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:89:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:90:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:97:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:98:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:104:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:105:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:113:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:114:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:124:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:125:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:131:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:132:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:141:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:142:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:147:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:151:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:152:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:159:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:160:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:168:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:169:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:170:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:171:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:178:5'): colAnyNAs works ─────────────────────────
colAnyNAs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnyNAs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:185:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:186:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:190:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:191:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:194:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:195:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:202:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:203:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:206:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:207:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:210:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:211:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:226:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:227:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:275:7'): colOrderStats works ─────────────────────
colOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colOrderStats(no_na_mat, which = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:276:7'): colOrderStats works ─────────────────────
colOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 6) not equal to matrixStats::colOrderStats(no_na_mat, which = 6).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:290:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumsums(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumsums(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:291:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumprods(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumprods(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:292:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummins(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:293:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummaxs(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:308:5'): colIQRs works ───────────────────────────
colIQRs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colIQRs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:314:5'): colRanges works ─────────────────────────
colRanges(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanges(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:320:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:321:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "average") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "average").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:322:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "min") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "min").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:344:5'): colWeightedMedians works ────────────────
colWeightedMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colWeightedMedians(mat, interpolate = FALSE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:408:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 1).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:409:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:410:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3, lag = 2) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3, lag = 2).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:449:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:450:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = c(1, 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = c(1, 3)).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:451:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1:5, cols = min(ncol(mat), 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:74:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:75:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:81:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:82:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:89:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:90:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:97:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:98:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:104:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:105:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:113:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:114:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:124:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:125:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:131:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:132:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:141:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:142:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:147:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:151:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:152:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:159:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:160:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:168:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:169:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:170:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:171:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:178:5'): colAnyNAs works ─────────────────────────
colAnyNAs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnyNAs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:185:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:186:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:190:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:191:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:194:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:195:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:202:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:203:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:206:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:207:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:210:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:211:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:226:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:227:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:275:7'): colOrderStats works ─────────────────────
colOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colOrderStats(no_na_mat, which = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:276:7'): colOrderStats works ─────────────────────
colOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 6) not equal to matrixStats::colOrderStats(no_na_mat, which = 6).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:290:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumsums(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumsums(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:291:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumprods(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumprods(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:292:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummins(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:293:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummaxs(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:308:5'): colIQRs works ───────────────────────────
colIQRs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colIQRs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:314:5'): colRanges works ─────────────────────────
colRanges(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanges(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:320:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:321:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "average") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "average").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:322:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "min") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "min").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:344:5'): colWeightedMedians works ────────────────
colWeightedMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colWeightedMedians(mat, interpolate = FALSE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:408:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 1).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:409:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:410:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3, lag = 2) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3, lag = 2).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:449:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:450:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = c(1, 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = c(1, 3)).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:451:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1:5, cols = min(ncol(mat), 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:74:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:75:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:81:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:82:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:89:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:90:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:97:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:98:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:104:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:105:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:113:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:114:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:124:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:125:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:131:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:132:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:141:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:142:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:147:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:151:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:152:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:159:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:160:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:168:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:169:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:170:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:171:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:178:5'): colAnyNAs works ─────────────────────────
colAnyNAs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnyNAs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:185:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:186:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:190:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:191:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:194:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:195:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:202:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:203:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:206:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:207:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:210:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:211:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:226:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:227:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:290:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumsums(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumsums(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:291:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumprods(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumprods(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:292:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummins(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:293:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummaxs(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:308:5'): colIQRs works ───────────────────────────
colIQRs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colIQRs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:314:5'): colRanges works ─────────────────────────
colRanges(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanges(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:320:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:321:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "average") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "average").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:322:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "min") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "min").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:344:5'): colWeightedMedians works ────────────────
colWeightedMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colWeightedMedians(mat, interpolate = FALSE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:408:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 1).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:409:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:410:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3, lag = 2) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3, lag = 2).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:449:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:450:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = c(1, 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = c(1, 3)).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:451:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1:5, cols = min(ncol(mat), 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:74:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:75:5'): colSums works ────────────────────────────
colSums2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:81:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:82:5'): rowSums works ────────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:89:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:90:5'): colMeans works ───────────────────────────
colMeans2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:97:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:98:5'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:104:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:105:5'): colMedians works ────────────────────────
colMedians(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMedians(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:113:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:114:5'): colVars works ───────────────────────────
colVars(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:124:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:125:5'): rowVars works ───────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat2, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:131:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:132:5'): colSds works ────────────────────────────
colSds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:141:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:142:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:147:5'): colMads works ───────────────────────────
colMads(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::colMads(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:151:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:152:5'): colMins works ───────────────────────────
colMins(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMins(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:159:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:160:5'): colMaxs works ───────────────────────────
colMaxs(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colMaxs(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:168:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:169:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:170:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:171:5'): colCounts works ─────────────────────────
colCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:178:5'): colAnyNAs works ─────────────────────────
colAnyNAs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnyNAs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:185:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:186:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:190:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:191:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:194:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:195:5'): colAnys works ───────────────────────────
colAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:202:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:203:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:206:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:207:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:210:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:211:5'): colAlls works ───────────────────────────
colAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42) not equal to matrixStats::colAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 42).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:226:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:227:5'): colProds works ──────────────────────────
colProds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::colProds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:236:5'): colQuantiles works ──────────────────────
colQuantiles(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset, useNames = use_names_opt) not equal to matrixStats::colQuantiles(...).
names for target but not for current
── Failure ('test-functions.R:275:7'): colOrderStats works ─────────────────────
colOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colOrderStats(no_na_mat, which = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:276:7'): colOrderStats works ─────────────────────
colOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 6) not equal to matrixStats::colOrderStats(no_na_mat, which = 6).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:290:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumsums(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumsums(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:291:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCumprods(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCumprods(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:292:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummins(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:293:5'): cumulative functions work ───────────────
colCummaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colCummaxs(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:308:5'): colIQRs works ───────────────────────────
colIQRs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colIQRs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:314:5'): colRanges works ─────────────────────────
colRanges(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanges(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:320:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:321:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "average") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "average").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:322:5'): colRanks works ──────────────────────────
colRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "min") not equal to matrixStats::colRanks(mat, ties.method = "min").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:344:5'): colWeightedMedians works ────────────────
colWeightedMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::colWeightedMedians(mat, interpolate = FALSE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:408:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 1).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:409:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:410:5'): colXXdiff methods works ─────────────────
colDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3, lag = 2) not equal to matrixStats::colDiffs(mat, diff = 3, lag = 2).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-functions.R:449:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:450:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = c(1, 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(mat, idxs = c(1, 3)).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-functions.R:451:5'): colCollapse works ───────────────────────
colCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1:5, cols = min(ncol(mat), 3)) not equal to matrixStats::colCollapse(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:11:3'): rowSums works ────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowSums2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:12:3'): rowSums works ────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::rowSums2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:13:3'): rowSums works ────────────────────────
rowSums2(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowSums2(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:18:3'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowMeans2(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:19:3'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::rowMeans2(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:20:3'): rowMeans works ───────────────────────
rowMeans2(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowMeans2(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:25:3'): rowMedians works ─────────────────────
rowMedians(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowMedians(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:26:3'): rowMedians works ─────────────────────
rowMedians(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::rowMedians(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:27:3'): rowMedians works ─────────────────────
rowMedians(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowMedians(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:33:3'): rowVars works ────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowVars(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:34:3'): rowVars works ────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::rowVars(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:35:3'): rowVars works ────────────────────────
rowVars(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowVars(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:42:3'): rowSds works ─────────────────────────
rowSds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowSds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:43:3'): rowSds works ─────────────────────────
rowSds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::rowSds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:44:3'): rowSds works ─────────────────────────
rowSds(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowSds(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:49:3'): rowMads works ────────────────────────
rowMads(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowMads(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:50:3'): rowMads works ────────────────────────
rowMads(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::rowMads(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:51:3'): rowMads works ────────────────────────
rowMads(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowMads(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:54:3'): rowMads works ────────────────────────
rowMads(sp_mat, center = center) not equal to matrixStats::rowMads(mat, center = center).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:58:3'): rowMins works ────────────────────────
rowMins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowMins(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:59:3'): rowMins works ────────────────────────
rowMins(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::rowMins(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:60:3'): rowMins works ────────────────────────
rowMins(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowMins(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:65:3'): rowMaxs works ────────────────────────
rowMaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowMaxs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:66:3'): rowMaxs works ────────────────────────
rowMaxs(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::rowMaxs(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:67:3'): rowMaxs works ────────────────────────
rowMaxs(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowMaxs(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:73:3'): rowCounts works ──────────────────────
rowCounts(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::rowCounts(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:74:3'): rowCounts works ──────────────────────
rowCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::rowCounts(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:75:3'): rowCounts works ──────────────────────
rowCounts(sp_mat, value = tail(t(sp_mat)@x, n = 1)) not equal to matrixStats::rowCounts(mat, value = tail(t(sp_mat)@x, n = 1)).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:76:3'): rowCounts works ──────────────────────
rowCounts(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = tail(t(sp_mat)@x, n = 1)) not equal to matrixStats::rowCounts(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:77:3'): rowCounts works ──────────────────────
rowCounts(sp_mat, value = 0, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowCounts(mat, value = 0, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:84:3'): rowAnyNAs works ──────────────────────
rowAnyNAs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowAnyNAs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:86:3'): rowAnyNAs works ──────────────────────
rowAnyNAs(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowAnyNAs(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:93:3'): rowAnys works ────────────────────────
rowAnys(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::rowAnys(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:94:3'): rowAnys works ────────────────────────
rowAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::rowAnys(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:97:3'): rowAnys works ────────────────────────
rowAnys(sp_mat, value = tail(t(sp_mat)@x, n = 1)) not equal to matrixStats::rowAnys(mat, value = tail(t(sp_mat)@x, n = 1)).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:98:3'): rowAnys works ────────────────────────
rowAnys(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = tail(t(sp_mat)@x, n = 1)) not equal to matrixStats::rowAnys(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:99:3'): rowAnys works ────────────────────────
rowAnys(sp_mat, value = 0, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowAnys(mat, value = 0, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:106:3'): rowAlls works ───────────────────────
rowAlls(sp_mat, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::rowAlls(mat, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:107:3'): rowAlls works ───────────────────────
rowAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0) not equal to matrixStats::rowAlls(mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = 0).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:110:3'): rowAlls works ───────────────────────
rowAlls(sp_mat, value = tail(t(sp_mat)@x, n = 1)) not equal to matrixStats::rowAlls(mat, value = tail(t(sp_mat)@x, n = 1)).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:111:3'): rowAlls works ───────────────────────
rowAlls(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE, value = tail(t(sp_mat)@x, n = 1)) not equal to matrixStats::rowAlls(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:112:3'): rowAlls works ───────────────────────
rowAlls(sp_mat, value = 0, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowAlls(mat, value = 0, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:124:3'): rowProds works ──────────────────────
rowProds(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowProds(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:125:3'): rowProds works ──────────────────────
rowProds(sp_mat, na.rm = TRUE) not equal to matrixStats::rowProds(mat, na.rm = TRUE).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:126:3'): rowProds works ──────────────────────
rowProds(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowProds(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:161:3'): rowOrderStats works ─────────────────
rowOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 1) not equal to matrixStats::rowOrderStats(no_na_mat, which = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:162:3'): rowOrderStats works ─────────────────
rowOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 6) not equal to matrixStats::rowOrderStats(no_na_mat, which = 6).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:165:3'): rowOrderStats works ─────────────────
rowOrderStats(no_na_sp_mat, which = 1, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowOrderStats(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:174:3'): cumulative functions work ───────────
rowCumsums(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowCumsums(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:175:3'): cumulative functions work ───────────
rowCumprods(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowCumprods(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:176:3'): cumulative functions work ───────────
rowCummins(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowCummins(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:177:3'): cumulative functions work ───────────
rowCummaxs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowCummaxs(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:185:3'): cumulative functions work ───────────
rowCumsums(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowCumsums(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:186:3'): cumulative functions work ───────────
rowCumprods(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowCumprods(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:187:3'): cumulative functions work ───────────
rowCummins(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowCummins(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:188:3'): cumulative functions work ───────────
rowCummaxs(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowCummaxs(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:195:3'): rowIQRs works ───────────────────────
rowIQRs(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowIQRs(mat).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:196:3'): rowIQRs works ───────────────────────
rowIQRs(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowIQRs(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:200:3'): rowRanges works ─────────────────────
rowRanges(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowRanges(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:201:3'): rowRanges works ─────────────────────
rowRanges(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowRanges(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:206:3'): rowRanks works ──────────────────────
rowRanks(sp_mat) not equal to matrixStats::rowRanks(mat).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:207:3'): rowRanks works ──────────────────────
rowRanks(sp_mat, ties.method = "average") not equal to matrixStats::rowRanks(mat, ties.method = "average").
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:209:3'): rowRanks works ──────────────────────
rowRanks(sp_mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowRanks(mat, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:220:3'): rowWeightedMeans works ──────────────
unname(rowWeightedMeans(sp_mat, w = weights)) not equal to matrixStats::rowWeightedMeans(mat, w = weights).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:222:3'): rowWeightedMeans works ──────────────
unname(...) not equal to matrixStats::rowWeightedMeans(...).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:262:3'): rowXXDiffs work ─────────────────────
rowDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 1) not equal to matrixStats::rowDiffs(mat, diff = 1).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:263:3'): rowXXDiffs work ─────────────────────
rowDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3) not equal to matrixStats::rowDiffs(mat, diff = 3).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:264:3'): rowXXDiffs work ─────────────────────
rowDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 3, lag = 2) not equal to matrixStats::rowDiffs(mat, diff = 3, lag = 2).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:265:3'): rowXXDiffs work ─────────────────────
rowDiffs(sp_mat, diff = 1, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowDiffs(mat, diff = 1, rows = row_subset, cols = col_subset).
Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:295:3'): rowCollapse works ───────────────────
rowCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1) not equal to matrixStats::rowCollapse(mat, idxs = 1).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:296:3'): rowCollapse works ───────────────────
rowCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = c(1, 3)) not equal to matrixStats::rowCollapse(mat, idxs = c(1, 3)).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:297:3'): rowCollapse works ───────────────────
rowCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1:5, rows = 3) not equal to matrixStats::rowCollapse(mat, idxs = 1:5, rows = 3).
names for current but not for target
── Failure ('test-row_functions.R:299:3'): rowCollapse works ───────────────────
rowCollapse(sp_mat, idxs = 1, rows = row_subset) not equal to matrixStats::rowCollapse(mat, idxs = 1, rows = row_subset).
names for current but not for target

[ FAIL 558 | WARN 136 | SKIP 22 | PASS 1195 ]
Error: Test failures
Execution halted

Example timings

